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incorporating real-time concurrent design and intelligence into 3D technology, is transforming the paradigm of the entire lifecycle management of factories.
  • Real-time
    In a virtual FAB, numerous participants engage in real-time design.
    Traditional construction of production facilities often results in frequent rework due to the complexity of factory conditions. In this process, participants proceed based on individually secured information, neglecting the consideration of the overall FAB environment.

    META FAB, based on 5D technology, addresses these challenges by integrating the operational system of design data. This allows real-time monitoring of construction progress and prevents interference and conflicts in the design by seamlessly connecting to the operating system.
  • Precision
    Before construction, we establish a digital twin identical to the on-site conditions
    Leveraging IAN's META FAB technology and expertise, we can achieve precision design for semiconductor FAB micro-piping with an error margin within 1mm.

    By seamlessly integrating numerous design data in real-time, we review interferences and enable coherent on-site construction through drawing operations, ensuring precision and consistency.

We significantly reduce the lead time from facility importation to factory operation

Under clear design, we prevent unnecessary material consumption and reduce the average loss rate by over 30%. Virtual space simulation before on-site construction helps cut costs and streamline operations.
  • Accurate data
    All data within META FAB can be utilized throughout the factory's entire lifecycle.
    Clients can secure and claim AS-BUILT drawings. Data produced by META FAB is P&ID-compatible, and process-specific data extraction is possible. All data serves as valuable resources throughout the factory's entire lifecycle, from hook-up to maintenance.
  • Maintain
    META FAB enables efficient operations.
    construction minimize discrepancies with designs, making inspections easy and clear. Design data can be linked to drawings during operation and maintenance or maintained as a digital twin, ensuring continuous utilization during the maintenance period.
  • Movie
    We implement state-of-the-art factories both domestically and internationally for future industrial facilities
    Leveraging experience in constructing META FAB (5D) for semiconductor industrial facilities, Iaan has secured expertise and know-how in building state-of-the-art factories.


  • 삼성전자 평택 반도체 공장
    META FAB 구축
  • 삼성전자 평택 반도체 공장
    META FAB 구축
  • 삼성전자 평택 반도체 공장 META FAB 구축 삼성전자 평택 반도체 공장 META FAB 구축 삼성전자 평택 반도체 공장 META FAB 구축
  • 삼성전자 평택 반도체 공장 META FAB 구축 삼성전자 평택 반도체 공장 META FAB 구축 삼성전자 평택 반도체 공장 META FAB 구축